Assignment/Project Name: Consultancy Services for Preparation of Master Plan for Water Supply, Sanitation, and SLWM and Storm water drainage for Uttarakhand Water Supply Program for Peri-Urban Areas. (For 3 corridors, namely (a) Dehradun- Rishikesh, (b) Haridwar- Roorkee, (c) Haldwani -Kathgodam)- World bank Funded
Location within Country: Dehradun, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Roorkee, Haldwani, Kathgodam- Uttarakhand- India
Name of Client: Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Govt. of Uttarakhand
Status of Project: Completed
Description of Scope of work: –
In order to achieve the above objectives, the consultants shall (1) study the regional planning aspects of the growth corridors based on ecological, social, economic and institutional characteristics and in particular reference to water supply and sanitation services, and SLWM aspects, (2) critically analysis the existing water supply and sanitation service delivery and solid and liquid waste management, taking into account the related governance, institutional and financial aspects, (3) prepare strategic Master Plan for sustainable water supply, sanitation and SLWM addressing the issues in an integrated manner and taking into account vulnerabilities, economic activities and demand as foreseen for the planning horizon of 30 years, and recommend progressive improvement/ upgradation of service level and the nature of service provision and delivery over the horizon and any modification to the existing institution to enhance developmental impact for implementation under the proposed Uttarakhand Water Supply Project for Peri-urban areas. The scope of works is divided into three principal tasks as described below. Regional planning for water supply and sanitation services Analysis of existing water supply, sanitation and SLWM services, Master Plan for sustainable water supply, sanitation and SLWM