Assignment/Project Name: Consultancy services for providing 24x7 Water Supply Network Improvement with Long Term Operation & Maintenance in Trans Yamuna Area (East and North-East Zone). (E&M Part), EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E&M) WC-II DELHI JAL BOARD
Project Cost: INR: 2182.98 Cr.
Description of Scope of Work: Detailed design and cost estimate for 15 MGD clear water based on RO system, Remodeling of distribution system based on DPRS prepared by 24x7 DMA consultants , Preparation of detailed cost estimate of Electrical and Mechanical units required to achieve 24 x 7 water supply in the North and North East area for each BPS for considering SCADA based system , Prepare Capex and Opex (3 years and 8 months during construction/rehabilitation phase and 15 years after construction/rehabilitation years) cost to achieve a 24x7 water supply system for the project area for E&M works. Load enhancement/deduction as required including designing of E&M equipment like transformer, LT/HT panel etc. to achieve 24x7 water supply system at desired tail end pressure for the project area. Assessment of existing E&M units for their rehabilitation/replacement. 6. Prepare detailed drawings-24 x 7 water supply, SCADA, DMA creation, E&M work, Desalination plant based on RO systemPart-A: East and North zone in trans Yamuna area Delhi
• Remodelling of distribution system based on DPRs preparation by 24x7 DMA consultants
• Preparation of Detailed cost estimation of electrical and Mechanical unit required to achieve 24x7 water supply in the east and North area for each BPS for considering SCADA based System
• Prepare CAPEX and OPEX (3 Years and 8 Months during construction / rehabilitation phase and 15 years after construction / rehabilitation years) cost to achieve a 24x7 water supply system for the project area for E&M works
• Load enhancement/ deduction as required including designing of E&M equipment like transformer LT/HT panel etc. to achieve 24x7 water supply system at desired tail and pressure for the Project area
• Assessment of existing E&M unit for their rehabilitation / replacement
• Prepare detailed Drawings
• Exclude from the Scope: Validation for topo survey, civil estimates are not a apart of study, water demand assessment, DMA Formation Part-B: Detailed Desing and cost estimate for 15 MGD clear based on RO System (Subject to availability of the site and it may be change)
• Detailed Design of 15 MGD treated water based on Ro system / plant with necessary Civil and E&M units complete with SCADA system.
• Detailed design for providing Raw through Tube well to RO Plant for achieving 15 MGD treated water including SITC of tubewells with other allied works compatible with SCADA
• Rising main/ Header Main fold Design for Treated Water to Nearby UGR
• Detailed Design for Disposal of RO reject/ concentrate water from RO system / Plant to existing STP.
• Detailed E&M Design for Tube well, RO Plant Collection chamber BPS,
• Detailed Civil Component in RO Plant-
• Preparation of Detailed estimate for CAPEX with OPEX 15 years to run the Part- B Component
• Prepare Detailed Drawings