Assignment/Project Name: Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for Urban Water Supply and Sewerage / Septage Management, Rejuvenation of Water Bodies and Development of Green Spaces Under JJM(U) Amrut-2 “DPR Consultant for UADD, Government of Madhya Pradesh” 21 ULBs of Various location of Indore and Ujjain in Bhopal – Madhya Pradesh)
Location within Country : Indore and Ujjain-, Madhya Pradesh, India
Name of Client :Directorate, Urban Administration & Development MP, Bhopal
Status of Project: Ongoing
Description of Scope of work: –
- The Team Leader and the respective specialist will collect and review the
- following data, records and studies:
- Previous studies for surface source of water
- Previous studies of hydro-geological survey
- Topo sheets of the project area
- Relevant regulations, rules and legislation for water supply
- Maps showing the existing facilities for development area :- Water supply, To prepare an inventory of available data and information and check the sufficiency / adequacy of the data for evaluating the existing services and assessing the options available for improvements.
- Collection and review of available reports, documents, data, maps etc.
- Carrying out a reconnaissance survey of the project area in respect of the existing services of water supply (treatment and distribution) land use plan, roads and pathways project area.
- Review and analysis of the concept plan for water supply system, Examination of alternatives and recommending options for improvement of water supply in project area Cost Estimation and DPR preparation.