Projects / Dirty Water / Sewerage System

Project/ Assignment Name: Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR for Construction of Common Sewerage treatment Plant at Gulmarg,

Location within Country: Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir, India

Name of Client: Manglum Associates Infrastructure Consultant, Gulmarg Development Authority, Address: Arera Colony, Nr. Bus Stop, Bhopal

Status of the Project: Completed 

Narrative Description of scope of project:

  • The main objective of the study is to develop a comprehensive, technically viable plan and preparation of DPR for sewerage scheme in Gulmarg conforming to the standards and guidelines laid by Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India.
  • The primary objective of the Projects proposed is to promote sustainable environment and basic Urban Infrastructure including Sewerage facility to all the citizens and visitors of the town.
  • The objective of a public water collection and disposal system is to ensure that sewage or excreta and sullage discharged from communities is properly collected, transported, treated to the required degree and finally disposed of without causing any health or environmental problems. If the waste matter created and given out by human beings and animals and also by industries, etc., is allowed to accumulate it will get decomposed and will contaminate air, water and food resulting in outbreak of epidemic. The provision of sanitation facilities aims at the creation of such conditions of living which will prevent serious outbreak of epidemic and hence it is a measure for the preservation of health of community in general and of individual in particular.
  • Background: Sewerage is the core element of physical infrastructure that determines status of any settlement and as such requires minute planning, development and management. Development of appropriate sewage carriage system with effluent treatment is the key element, which acts as a prerequisite for facilitating balance and harmonized development.
  • This project report includes the Detail Project Report Studies and preparation of Detailed Project Report for Development of a Comprehensive Sewerage Scheme in Gulmarg.
  • The scope of this study is broadly as follows:
  • To reconfirm all proposed project components and identify, specify and undertake required surveys and investigations as necessary.
  • To conduct site visits, perform situation analysis and assessment based on available information, present ground status and prepare Inception Report with proposed design criteria / Plan.
  • To confirm land acquisition requirements and assess each site’s environmental aspects for detailed design of the project component.
  • To carry out detailed topographical surveys for producing digitalized drawings.
  • To carry out surveys, geo-technical & other investigations.
  • To carry out Detail Project Report Studies and prepare Detail Project Report Reports as per CPHEEO Manuals and other relevant guidelines covering Detail Project Report Studies, Conceptual Plans and Engineering Designs with estimates.
  • The estimate shall be prepared on the basis of prevailing Schedule of Rates (SOR) of UDHD/GoB. For Non-SOR items, if any, adopting market rate, proper rate analysis will be carried out in consultation with UD&HD/SPUR, ULB and UTAST officials.
  • To prepare strategies and action plan for IEC and Capacity Building components.


Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:

Detailed Survey , investigation, as per guidelines of GDA

Detailed quantity, design, cost estimate, Detailed sewerage Network

Preparation the detailed Project Report covering the cost, drawings, design, and all.