Projects / Dirty Water / Sewerage System

Assignment/Project Name:  Consultancy services for Asset Mapping, Flow Measurement of Sewerage Pumping Station and STP in Haridwar, Uttarakhand- funded By World bank

Location within Country:  Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India

Name of Client :MWH India Pvt. Ltd. (National River Ganga Authority)

Status of Project: Completed 

Description of Scope of work: –

  • NGRBA is looking for rehabilitation of Exiting Sewerage Treatment Plants in Haridwar & Dehradun. 
  • World Bank hire MWH to Preparation for Feasibility Report, DPR and Tender Document for sewerage and non-sewerage scheme for Haridwar, Rishikesh, Swargashram, Dunda, Uttarkashi and Gangotri town under NGRBA. World bank funded project.,
  • MWH hire ACEPL for Flow Measurement and asset mapping for seven different Sewerage pumping stations at Haridwar for different locations and assessment of the performance of existing PS and STPs  
  • ACEPL used ultra sonic   flow meters for flow monitoring and energy audit for the pumping stations and STPs. ACEPL was also responsible for the process evaluation of the existing STPs and suggested modification required in the treatment plant. The pumping main size was varies from 250 mm to 1600 mm dia with flow variation 50 LPM To 250LPM. ACE was also responsible for the flow measurement and pump energy Consumption analysis to drive their pumping efficiency. This project was funded by WB.