Assignment/Project Name: Consultancy Services for the Rehabilitation of Existing 6 Nos. of Sewage Treatment Plants in Shimla and Technical Assistance in improvement in Operation and Maintenance. In Shimla.
Location within Country : Shimla, HP. India
Name of Client :Irrigation & Public Health Engineering Department Himachal Pradesh
Status of Project: Completed
Description of Scope of work:-
The Shimla Sewerage Project was executed under OPEC aided fund during the year 1998-2003 and following six nos. STPs were constructed under the project with network in six zones:
- STP Lal Pani-19.35 MLD
- STP Dhalli-0.76 MLD
- STP Summer Hill -3.93 MLD
- STP North Disposal-5.80 MLD
- STP Snowdon-1.35 MLD
- STP Sanjauly Malyana-4.40 MLD
- UASB technology has been adopted in case of 19.35 MLD STP and in rest of 5 nos. STPs, extended aeration followed by tertiary treatment by Clariflocculator have been followed. Filter press for removing the excess sludge has been provided for releasing the effluent in the natural bodies. O&M of STPs has been outsourced to private contractors. The performance of the STPs operated by contractors is not up to the mark and department is facing operational difficulties in the functioning of these STPs.
- Department intends to engage consultant for improving the performance and overseeing these STPs for 5 years of O&M.